Exit revolution has begun
After months of testing and developing I can finally proudly present my newest app. I wont be modest, since the app is really something else, something you havent seen yet.
In my previous post I wrote about exit popups and why they work, but I wrote you have to do something special to make people leave their info and eventually make a purchase.
This application solves all that and more.
Why did I build this?
When I moved to Shopify I encountered a specific problem with the platform. While there was a lot of apps to chose from, none of them really performed well enough and were creative enough to make my popup stand out.
While they still worked well enough to make them useful I saw an opportunity to make something great (Make America great again!). Sometimes you really have to be drunk enough to have stupid ideas and sometimes they even work.
What does it do?
It makes exit popups and popups in general FUN and if something is fun for the customer we already solved a lot. The end goal is always to make the customer feel good about us and our brand/products.
When the customer feels good and feels like he won something special, well the outcome of the visit suddenly becomes x-times more probable to be an actual purchase.
Pirates, I mean people in general, really like to gamble and REALLY like to WIN stuff, so our logical first choice was to use a wheel of fortune. Who doesnt like to spin and win?
How does it work?
Visitor perception:
The popup is not really a popup, its more of a gentle slide from heaven, encouraging you to test your luck for a small fee of entering your gracious email. BAM! You spin it and you win it. It makes you feel good, you had a bad day and now you won a discount when you spun the wheel. How cool is this? Really really cool! Im gonna make a purchase now, since I never win anything.
Store owner (awesome one, since he uses the app) perception:
I install the awesome app with ease, taking only a few minutes of work and Im set for rocking. Visitors engage with my wheel, using the piece of shit discount I gave them and feel like they just won the powerball. Btw, did I tell you I get a sick amount of emails from the form? And I pay nothing for them? And I know I will convert them in the future, because I have amazing products/offers in line and Im a badass marketer? This app is a WIN-WIN scenario for everyone, but especially me.
Pirate perception:
Who the fuck doesnt like to gamble and win?
Ohh, btw, I got a 100% REAL pirate to explain it to you. This is not a 5$ Fiverr video. Its legit.
How to get this sorcery?
It is available on the Shopify apps market, but its not confirmed yet. It means, I wont be featured as the best app in the world just yet, I have to wait for a couple of days to get approved. It also means, that you can GET IT NOW and start using it immediately. You even have 7 FREE days before I empty out your wallet. Cheapasses*
PRICE: We did a poll amongst our BETA testers and the pricing suggested was around 20-30$. Since Im a pirate and for some weird reason I dont want to empty your bank account, but actually fill it, I said the price should be lower.
How low you say?
14,92$ LOW. Yes, America was discovered in 1492. Just like this revolution.
The I WIN URL is here: https://apps.shopify.com/wheelio-first-interactive-exit-intent-pop-up
Use it wisely and spin moderately. It can get addictive.
Installation is super easy, but if you need help let me know. Beep me up on skype on hit us up at info@conversionpirate.com
What do I recommend?
Placement, Offer and Copy is the key. If you have a great offer (high discount or something) they will use the discount. Try making a perception of a high discount item. It all depends on what you want to achieve.
If your goal is just leads, then you have to promise them something big, but you dont have to deliver. If you want direct conversions, you have to deliver the goods, else they wont use it.
Be smart with the texts and think outside the box. Be unique, you know your customers, use that to your advantage.
How do I measure the impact?
Backend of the Wheelio has a stats panel, which tell you how many times someone saw the pop-up and how many times they interacted with it. For the conversions, simply make a dedicated Wheelio coupon and check the stats there. Simple as that, but effective AF.
lol great video there, will i see this on the superbowl ads?
goddamit, havent seen this great idea! Super bowl is over, gotta find a new worthy placement!
Will you make this for wordpress?
I will 🙂
Would love this for wordpress 🙂 looks amazing on shopify but my websites are all wordpress 🙁 How will I know more about the release?
Keep lurking here, it will be released soon 🙂